Worship services at Alexandria Presbyterian Church are held at both 9am and 11am at 1300 West Braddock Road. We invite you to join us for fellowship and coffee in between services.
Worship services at Alexandria Presbyterian Church are held at both 9am and 11am at 1300 West Braddock Road. We invite you to join us for fellowship and coffee in between services.
Alexandria Presbyterian Church is a church of sinners. It’s that simple. But we are bound together by the Gospel that saves us and transforms us. Learn more about being a part of our community through Covenant Fellowship Groups, Music Ministry, Youth Programs, Children’s Ministries, and Adult Ministries.
“He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
Micah 6:8
Jesus calls people to Himself, and then sends them to serve one another in His name. Sacrificial service in word and deed is magnetic – it draws people to Christ as they taste His love. It is concentric – starting within our church family, moving out to our city, nation, and the entire world. And it is prophetic – it points people to know and trust Christ as Savior and King. Learn more about Mercy Ministry and Missions and how you can be involved.