We believe participation in the life of a congregation is essential for our growth in Jesus Christ. We invite you to become an active part of our life and community.
We believe participation in the life of a congregation is essential for our growth in Jesus Christ. We invite you to become an active part of our life and community.
“…you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God’s people and members of God’s household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.”
Ephesians 2:19-20
Our desire is to provide opportunities for adults to connect and grow through authentic relationships, teaching opportunities, Bible studies, and fellowship.
PROTAS is a dynamic teen-led, adult-mentored, relationship-based youth community with the goal of encouraging teens to grow as strong disciples of Christ.
We are privileged to teach children about Jesus’ great love for them as they participate in worship, interact with servant-hearted leaders, and enjoy fun activities.
We believe God has created us as relational beings designed for living in authentic community. We seek to grow in our love for the Lord and each other through regular times of study and fellowship.
As the gospel transforms us, we respond by living missional lives. We do this by serving our church, our city, and our world through the use of our gifts and talents.
Use your gifts to serve on our music ministry teams. At APC, we have members from a wide range of backgrounds, so we offer a blended style of worship that incorporates contemporary worship songs, traditional hymns and music from other traditions.
We’re here to help you get connected and find community at APC. If you have questions or just need advice on how to stay plugged in at APC, fill out our form. We are always happy to partner with you as you continue to strengthen your relationship with Christ and His church.