“We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord, about his power and his mighty wonders.”

Psalm 78:4

Building Biblical Foundations

We desire to build strong Biblical foundations in these formative years as we participate together in worship through Bible stories, songs, and age-appropriate play. We look forward to every opportunity we have to teach our covenant children that God loves them and to help them experience that love through Jesus.

We offer several opportunities during the week to engage our nursery participants. Nursery is available on Sunday mornings during worship, during Key Equipping, and during the weekly Women’s Bible Study.

Nursery Guidelines & Resources

& Pick-Up Procedures

Your children’s safety is extremely important to us. All volunteers and teachers are screened, receive training and must comply with our Congregational Care and Safety Policy, which includes staffing each room with a minimum of two adults.

To ensure safety, we implement an electronic check-in system On your first visit, the Sunday Supervisor will help you check in your children at our Welcome Desk.

At check in, you will receive a printed name tag for your child(ren) as well as a guardian pick-up slip. Please affix the name tag on each child’s back and walk them to their room. . Keep the guardian pick-up slip with you.
To check out your child(ren), please return to each room and give the guardian tag you received during the check-in process to the Room Captain. For security, we ask that only parents pick up a child.

Sick Child Policy

Nursery bedding is changed after each use and toys and tables are wiped down with a germicidal solution after each session and sterilized regularly.
Please keep your child at home when you note any of the following.

We welcome your child in our nursery if he or she has been free of the following symptoms for the past 24 hours:
Coughing, sneezing, runny nose & eyes
(excluding allergies)
Fever of 100 degrees F or higher
Vomiting or diarrhea
Inflamed mouth or throat
Non-clear nasal drainage

A child being treated with antibiotics should have been receiving the drug for at least 24 hours before entering the nursery.


Your children’s safety is extremely important to us. All volunteers and teachers are screened, receive training and must comply with our Congregational Care and Safety Policy, which includes staffing each room with a minimum of two adults.

If you have any questions or more specific information about our Congregational Care and Safety Policy, or to obtain a copy please contact  Jackie McCauley. (highlight to link her email address)

While we strive to make our nursery allergy friendly, we cannot guarantee an allergy-free environment. We offer Cheerios and water for snack time during nursery meeting times. Please do not bring food containing peanuts into the nursery area. We also ask that parents do not offer other snacks to children without first consulting the supervisor.

Nursery Curriculum

On Sunday morning, nursery volunteers teach our “Worship Time” lesson, based on the “Show Me Jesus” curriculum and other resources to engage our children in worship. We use a variety of children’s Bibles to help teach the lessons.

During Key Equipping on Sunday evenings, dedicated teachers instruct, sing and engage the children in age appropriate activities using the “Show Me Jesus” curriculum.