Stay up-to-date with the latest announcements and serving opportunities at Alexandria Presbyterian Church.
Stay up-to-date with the latest announcements and serving opportunities at Alexandria Presbyterian Church.
At APC, we believe we are bound together by the Gospel that saves and transforms us. Revisit past sermons and deepen your faith with our archives.
As a community, we value and encourage everyone to discover the joy and the reward of helping others through service.
Urgent Nursery Volunteers
Nursery volunteers. Thanks to all who are faithfully volunteering for the nursery! This is a meaningful way for the entire APC body to invest in raising our children for the Lord. We need additional volunteers. Would you prayerfully consider serving in this ministry? Volunteers serve 2 times per quarter.
Contact: Erin Furgerson, Director of Children’s Ministries, at [email protected].
Urgent Coffee Team
The coffee team is looking for volunteers. Helping with coffee is a great way to serve the church family and help welcome everyone to the fellowship time between the services. No experience is required.
Contact Andrea Romyn, Hospitality Coordinator, at [email protected].
Transportation Ministry
We are looking for volunteers who are willing to use their personal vehicle to transport others as needed. Volunteers must be Congregational Care & Safety certified. The majority of the need has been to help bring seniors to church and back on Sunday mornings. Occasionally, there are other needs such as bringing people to special evening church services (such as around Thanksgiving, Christmas or Easter) or to help get someone to an appointment. There is a running calendar showing the ongoing needs and which requirements are still open for volunteers. For specific questions and to sign up, please check with APC’s transportation coordinator, Bill Ward, Contact Deacon Bill Ward at b[email protected]
Urgent Coffee Team
The coffee team is looking for volunteers. Helping with coffee is a great way to serve the church family and help welcome everyone to the fellowship time between the services. No experience is required.
Contact Andrea Romyn, Hospitality Coordinator, at [email protected].
Transportation Ministry
We are looking for volunteers who are willing to use their personal vehicle to transport others as needed. Volunteers must be Congregational Care & Safety certified. The majority of the need has been to help bring seniors to church and back on Sunday mornings. Occasionally, there are other needs such as bringing people to special evening church services (such as around Thanksgiving, Christmas or Easter) or to help get someone to an appointment. There is a running calendar showing the ongoing needs and which requirements are still open for volunteers. For specific questions and to sign up, please check with APC’s transportation coordinator, Bill Ward, Contact Deacon Bill Ward at b[email protected]
Adult Choir
The choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings and sings in Sunday services, predominantly at 9am. Their purpose is to magnify God’s greatness by leading gospel-motivated, Spirit-reliant congregational singing, and by crafting rich, gospel-proclaiming music for the church’s reflection and meditation. Please consider lending your heart and your voice to serve your church family! Having the ability to read musical scores is helpful but not required.
Contact Ben Elliott, Director of Music Ministries, at b[email protected].
Help Prepare Communion
We are in need of volunteers to help prepare communion on the second Sunday of each month.
Contact Andrea Romyn, Hospitality Coordinator, at [email protected].
We are looking for “Lead” ushers for both 9am and 11am services that would be on rotation, leading and directing the usher teams during the actual worship services. 10 ushers are needed for each service.
Contact Usher Coordinator Marc Smith at [email protected].
Projection Team
By managing the projection of lyrics and scripture on our video screens, projection volunteers keep everyone aware of what’s happening in each service, help to facilitate the leadership of APC’s pastors and musicians, and literally place the words of the gospel in view of God’s people each week. You do not have to be savvy with technology or media design to serve in this capacity.
Contact Bailey Rolland, Office Administrator, at b[email protected].
We value your help as we worship on Sunday mornings. Volunteers will arrive 30 minutes prior to each service. 5-6 volunteers are needed for each service.
Contact Matt Coombs, Executive Director of Ministries, at [email protected].
Urgent Nursery Volunteers
Nursery volunteers. Thanks to all who are faithfully volunteering for the nursery! This is a meaningful way for the entire APC body to invest in raising our children for the Lord. We need additional volunteers. Would you prayerfully consider serving in this ministry? Volunteers serve 2 times per quarter.
Contact: Erin Furgerson, Director of Children’s Ministries, at [email protected].
Children’s Church Leaders
Children’s Church. Children’s Church is offered every Sunday (except the fifth Sunday). Our class is growing which is a wonderful blessing! Please consider teaching the next generation the glorious deeds of the Lord. Teachers are needed during worship for first and second services. Teacher teams lead the class 2 times per quarter during Sunday morning worship.
Contact: Erin Furgerson, Director of Children’s Ministries, at [email protected].
PROTAS Teen Ministry
PROTAS Volunteers. Female youth leaders are needed to launch a Sunday morning ministry two times a month between services. Please reach out to Adam LeRoy at [email protected] if you are interested in serving.
PROTAS Teen Ministry. Please consider coming alongside teenagers in just one of the many different opportunities: PROTAS large group, our new upcoming Sunday morning “connect time” between services (2x per month), host or co-lead a regional discipleship group, come alongside just one teenager who needs a mentor, or introduce teenagers to Jesus through Young Life.
Contact: Adam LeRoy, Director of Youth Ministries, at [email protected].
Urgent Coffee Team
The coffee team is looking for volunteers. Helping with coffee is a great way to serve the church family and help welcome everyone to the fellowship time between the services. No experience is required.
Contact Andrea Romyn, Hospitality Coordinator, at [email protected].
Help Prepare Communion
We are in need of volunteers to help prepare communion on the second Sunday of each month.
Contact Andrea Romyn, Hospitality Coordinator, at [email protected].
Projection Team
By managing the projection of lyrics and scripture on our video screens, projection volunteers keep everyone aware of what’s happening in each service, help to facilitate the leadership of APC’s pastors and musicians, and literally place the words of the gospel in view of God’s people each week. You do not have to be savvy with technology or media design to serve in this capacity.
Contact Bailey Rolland, Office Administrator, at b[email protected].
Our desire is to provide opportunities for adults to connect and grow through authentic relationships, teaching opportunities, Bible studies, and fellowship.
PROTAS is a dynamic teen-led, adult-mentored, relationship-based youth community with the goal of encouraging teens to grow as strong disciples of Christ.
We are privileged to teach children about Jesus’ great love for them as they participate in worship, interact with servant-hearted leaders, and enjoy fun activities.
We believe God has created us as relational beings designed for living in authentic community. We seek to grow in our love for the Lord and each other through regular times of study and fellowship.
As the gospel transforms us, we respond by living missional lives. We do this by serving our church, our city, and our world through the use of our gifts and talents.
Use your gifts to serve on our music ministry teams. At APC, we have members from a wide range of backgrounds, so we offer a blended style of worship that incorporates contemporary worship songs, traditional hymns and music from other traditions.
Whether you are interested in taking your next step at APC or want to see what we have to offer you and your family, we’re here to help. Get in touch with us by filling out the form below.